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City Council Minutes 06/27/2002
June 27, 2002

ROLL CALL - Councilor Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Dempsey, Mayor Carnicelli Present.  

City Staff present:  City Manager John Salomone, Corporation Counsel Tom Leone, City Clerk Debra McCormick, Vijay Mital, Planning Director, Fire Chief Mike Quill, Mike Long Senior Planner, Bill Lupien Engineering Supervisor, Bea O
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

Presentations and Proclamations
Presentation of Petition and Communications
Public Announcements
Mayor Carnicelli announced that the Social Justice Task Force was featured in an article published in the Nations Cities publication regarding community work on undoing racism.  

Ordinances and Local Laws
Bond Ordinance #11 of 2002 of the City of Auburn New York, authorizing the issuance of $1,025,000 Serial Bonds to finance the cost of the installation of an air conditioning system in City Hall.

Work Session

        HVAC/Geothermal Schematic Design

City Manager John Salomone began with a brief recap of what has been done and then introduce Mike Long Senior Planner.  Mr. Long introduced the Beardsley Design Associates team, Guy Garnsey, John Manning, Jeff Lawrence, Sam Swan.  Mr. Manning presented handouts and a power point presentation on geothermal HVAC and details of what to look forward to for City Hall installation.  City Council discussed costs, savings, options, and impact of extreme heat in summer months on staff.  Councilor Hunter expressed reservations.  All other members of Council expressed support for project.  A First reading of the Bond Ordinance was done at tonight
Other Business
Mayor Carnicelli asked for Council consent to add Resolution #117 of 2002 to the agenda.  No one objected.  

Council Resolution #117 of 2002 authorizing the award of the City of Auburn Property and Liability Insurance to RG Wright Agency.  Council discussed the substantial increase in cost, the deductible, and options for insurance.  Council asked that a work session be scheduled in 6 months so that options can be discussed prior to the next renewal of contracts.  Vote: Councilors Jacobs, McNabb, Hunter and Mayor Carnicelli vote yes, Councilor Dempsey abstains.  PASSED.

Other Business
Mayor Carnicelli asked if there was an update in the curbing on Howard and Bradford St.  Mr. Salomone stated that it would be ready by next meeting.

Mayor Carnicelli reported to Council that Ormie King and the Y Field Reunion committee are requesting that the club house be renamed after Monk Curtian.

Public to be Heard
Bill Dobson, Weedsport
Glen Carver
Motion to adjourn to Executive Session at 7:50PM PM by Councilor Hunter seconded by Councilor Jacobs.  Purpose to discuss the proposed sale or lease of City owned property and employment history of particular individuals.  Ended at 8:42PM
